Operation Christmas Child-2018

Operation Christmas Child-2018


Operation Christmas Child shoe box collection week is almost here! This will be a part of our November GO TIME Opportunities.   Shoe boxes will be available for pick up in the lobby after service beginning October 28- November 11th and need to be returned during collection week November 12-19th.

Volunteers are needed.  We will be the collection point for our community.  Volunteers are needed to man the collection site and collect shoe boxes from the community.  We will need approximately 30 people( 3 people for each time slot) to fill our time slots.  If you are willing to be part of this wonderful event or have any questions please contact Bethany Pattie at bethany.pattie.os@gmail.com .  See below or Check the church calendar for hours.

Hours of Collection at Evident Life Church

Nov. 12, Mon-5-8pm
Nov. 13,Tue-2:30-5pm
Nov. 14, Wed-3-5:30pm
Nov., 15, Thur-9:30am-12:00pm
Nov. 16, Fri-11am-1pm
Nov. 17, Sat-4-7pm
Nov. 18, -12pm-3pm
Nov. 19, Mon–9-11am

Nov. 19, Mon- 11-2:30—-loading trailer, cleaning church and delivery to off site semi-truck