Gilbert Days Parade 2019

Gilbert Days Parade 2019

gilbert days

What better way to kick off our GO TIME than the Gilbert Day’s Parade!

Saturday, November 23, 2019 Parade starting at 8:30 am

Volunteers should show up at Evident Life Church by 7:00 am.

Evident Life Church has as special opportunity to connect with our community. It’s the Gilbert Days Parade and it passes right in front of our church campus! That’s right, thousands of neighbors will be right here on our front porch for this event and we want to make them feel welcome and important…

– Would you like some water? We got you covered.

– Would you prefer some coffee? This Joe is just for you.

– How about a pancake for your breakfast? Yep, we have that too.

– Do you need prayer? Visit our prayer tent and let’s talk to God.

– Just need a restroom? Of course, our doors are open. You are our guest.

WHEN: Saturday, November 23rd. Setup starts at 7:00AM and the parade begins at 8:30AM. (Show up when you can)

WHERE: Evident Life Church

WHO: This is for everyone. It’s a family event. Hey, it’s a parade.

WHAT: Wear your Evident Life T-Shirt to say who you are:)

PARKING: We got you covered… Use our church parking lot. Enter off Juniper.

And let’s remember, the key to connecting with our community is YOU! So, I hope to see you there.


We need volunteers to be the “hospitable” to the town.  Can you come and hand out water bottles, serve coffee, serve pancakes, pray with people or help host our lobby for people using our restrooms?

Volunteers should show up at Evident Life Church by 7:00 am.

Questions?  Contact Kevin Gleizier